Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water Awareness

People are becoming more aware of wasted water--if not their own, at least that of others!

Recently, I was taken aside by a resident of a community in the District who told me she had noticed a business was repeatedly wasting water during lawn irrigation. She called the proprietor and mentioned it to him. At first he was defensive, but she later noted that the practice had stopped. I applaud this concerned citizen. One of the points of the "Water Warriors Pledge" we do with school-age children is "I WILL ALSO TEACH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF SAVING WATER." We emphasize not to be annoying about it, as it could have the opposite effect, but people are more likely to listen to their neighbors than to an impersonal organization.

Our concern, here at Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, is to educate and inform, not to police. We appreciate any concerned resident taking it upon themselves to help others see the need to conserve water.

At events we have attended this spring we have been encouraged at how many people are aware and concerned with water conservation. Many visitors to our booth have expressed an interest in rainwater harvesting (RWH) and xeriscaping. We have given out hundreds of lawn gauges to help people know how effective their lawn irrigation is. We have given presentations to civic and professional  clubs regarding conservation, and talked to almost 3,500 school-age children across the Panhandle.

We are available for programs for any group and have spoken at civic clubs, homeowner's associations, schools, scouting groups, and others. And conservation is not our only topic; we can talk about legislative issues, weather modification, hydrology, the role of the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, just to name a few. Look at our website for a more complete list.

When it comes to water...we're all in it together!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for enjoying this beauty blog with me. I am appreciating it very much! Looking forward to another great blog.
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